Objectives of the School

A. General Objectives

  • To develop in the students love for knowledge and the ability to do what is right and life-giving;
  • To encourage and guide the students to’ excel in basic knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that will prepare them to become good leaders, productive and engaged citizens, and faithful companions of God’s creation.
  • To foster opportunities for the learners to render services to the earth community, especially to the less privileged brothers and sisters.

B. Specific Objectives

  1. To discover God’s original blessing of being true, good, and beautiful.
  2. To internalize the Gospel values and Church teachings by participating in the creation of a happy and safe school community;
  3. To strive for excellence in basic knowledge and skills and utilize one\'s faculties and talents for the service of others, especially the poor and the disadvantaged;
  4. To clarify, analyze, reflect, and pray on issues, information, and life experiences to make intelligent choices and decisions, face ordinary problem situations with faith and hope, and risk for one\'s growth and development together with others;
  5. To appreciate our Filipino heritage and ideals and participate in coordinated actions for the nation\'s building.